Principal's Corner


Mr.  George  Butler, Principal


A Message from the Principal

"When I approach a child, he/she inspires in me two sentiments:  Tenderness for what he/she is, and respect for what he/she may become."  - Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895)

May we never lose sight of what teachers do for our children.  Let's also not forget about the never-ending patience they display day after day.  Just go on a field trip, step into the lunchroom or visit the classroom during another busy, challenging day at school.  So, during all of the hustle and bustle and normal life noise, let us all remember to stop and say thank you to those dedicated teachers who are preparing our kids for the future.  Yes, teachers are our true modern-day heroes. 
Without question, the teachers and principal have challenging tasks and great responsibilities within the school building; however, the greatest and most important job belongs to the parents. Parents have the awesome responsibility of nurturing their children and supporting their growth, achievement, and success. Indeed, the parent's job is the greatest of all.
George Butler,